Indian Blind Football (5a side) team

The Indian Blind Football (5a side) team is all set to participate in the first Asian Blind Football Championships being held @ Kochi, Kerala Nov. 11-17, 2022.

Indian Blind Football (5a side) team

The Indian Blind Football (5a side) team is all set to participate in the first Asian Blind Football Championships being held @ Kochi, Kerala Nov. 11-17, 2022. Teams from 8 Asian countries would be competing in the championships - approved by Govt of India (MEA, MHA & MYAS)

Sh. Ashok Bedi from PCI visited Kochi to oversee the preparations for the championship. Indian team presently ranked 6 in Asia is already qualified to compete in the upcoming #Hangzhou #AsianGames #AsianParaGames to be held from Oct. 22-28, 2023 in China.